Upcoming Events

                               August 18, 2024                                    Kids Club 4-6 p.m.


August 25th -Homecoming

celebration.  See below for
more details.

Join us August 25, 2024 – Starts at 3 p.m.
As we celebrate
The First Baptist Church OF Bellevue KY.’s 120 years!
Come back for the memories, stay for the provided meal!

Everyone is welcome!  Please if you did not receive an invitation, it is most likely because we didn’t have an updated address.  RSVP Extended time: Call the church office, (859) 431 – 5532  if we are not there please leave a message.   Please help us to reach out.  Share this information.  Remember the RSVP date has been extended so ignore the one on the flyer below.  Thank you and Hope to See all of You again Soon!